No RBF file even though option is selected

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No RBF file even though option is selected

Post by Fire_Kyuubi »


So I have the cpp4robots extension running. I can compile my program, download it to the brick and run it. But I can only do it from visual studio. I selected the option for the application type to be a rbf file, however it doesn't show up in the brick menu. Browsing through my EV3 brick's on board memory from visual studio, I can see that my application is in the brick. It appears to only be a binary file, how can I get an rbf file?
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Re: No RBF file even though option is selected

Post by cpp4robots_admin »


Are you using an SD card in an EV3 brick?
The SD card has to be inserted in the EV3 brick if you want to run the application directly from the EV3 brick.

Cpp4Robots Support
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